Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Einstein once said...

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

I wish I could remember that saying. Do you know how many times I do something over and over and get so frustrated with it? You think, being a mom, that I would have this memorized, or tattooed on my arm or something. I have to remember this saying... each day, each night, each trying moment with our son or with my fiance.

This is my first post, but I feel like I should be posting somewhere, doing something, documenting life and its moments and struggles. We have pictures and videos and memories, but how do you share those with strangers? Not that I am going to delve deep into my personal life and give all the gritty details, but what if...

What if... someone else wanted to know how our home "Chopped Challenges" go?
What if... someone else is struggling with what type of bed to move their toddler to?
What if... someone else is looking for inspiration for weight loss?
What if... someone else misses their single life every now and then?

There are so many what ifs in life. I know I look online for feedback, guidance, love, recipes, reviews, deals, and so on. Why not share struggles, experiences, and life. What fun is anything unless you can share it?


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