My boss sent me an article this morning that was very interesting about bees and cell phones, which made me do a little more research on the issue (links below if you want to skip my "go green" ramble...).
Everyone talks about bees, how they are dwindling, how we are killing them, what is killing them, and so on. I think of myself, being a vegetarian, as fairly aware of possibility of harm to animals. I do not eat meat as I do not support the killing of animals. I try to avoid products if they are tested on animals. I try to buy eco-friendly items. I have recycled since I could walk. But then again, my VW has leather trim, I have accidentally eaten bacon in potato salad, and I know my Manolos are genuine leather from Italy. Even though someone else originally purchased these items, and I am doing my part to reduce, reuse, and recycle wherever and whenever I can, not everyone is perfect. I am sure I have bought honey through a harmful venue at some point in my life. But... as people have always said, "knowing is half the battle", right? So, if I can share my research of articles discussing the new studies that supposedly show that cell phone use is affecting bees, well, maybe the discussion will spread around, maybe an environmental group is already involved in confirming the validity of the highly debatable issue, maybe someone might think to buy organic honey instead of mass produced brands... and maybe someone will see a bee, put their cell phone, iphone, or pda down for a minute, and let that bee do its thing in peace. ;)
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